Thursday, August 28, 2014

Back at it! This time to the I. Lakes

To anyone who has actually been following this blog and our travels - sorry for the long gap!  Sometimes Zou and I are just too busy (gathering more blog material - that may or may not ever see the light of day!), and sometimes I'm just not in the frame of mind to sit at the computer for as long as it takes to weed out and process all the photos (very time-consuming)!  But here we go again - to another absolute favorite spot.  It's funny, I sort of rediscovered this incredible spot last summer/fall.  I'd hiked it many, many years ago.  So many years ago, that the trail was not as well established, and somehow I think I either went to a different lake than the main one (there are several in the specific area) or, most likely, I was there so early in the season that the main lake was covered with ice (I do remember a lot of snow) so I never saw the awesome, turquoise-electric blue that is the lake on a sunny day.  And I never went back...till last year.  And I saw the lake in all its glory.  Fabulous!!!!!!!!!!  Simply stunning.  My photos cannot possibly do it justice.  And someday I need to get a different perspective on it, from above, somehow...  

The other memory I have of this first hike so long ago is of my first bear sighting!  He was running away from me!  Actually, the way we were situated, I had the feeling he was not running away from me but something else.  And that made me REALLY nervous!!!  So I hurried down too, because I figured that whatever had worried the bear (IF it wasn't me, that is) should probably worry me too!!!!!

So anyways, let's hike!

 We started out in near darkness, trying to get an early start to beat the mid-day heat and thunderstorms.  But the cool dark only sheltered us for the first 1/2 hour or so, and then we were exposed by the unclouded day.

 For some reason, the blog lightens some photos up a lot - Zouey has NOT become this bleached-out by all her hiking!  But isn't she a cutie?  Sure love that girl!!!!!!!

 Monument plant (Frasera speciosa)


 The lower I. Lake.  Pretty, to be sure, but nothing compared to its larger sibling.

 How can you beat this stuff?  Gorgeous place, beautiful clouds,...  Man!

BIG rocks...little dog...

 What a field of corn lilies!

 Pretty creek.  Yup, gotta find a good crossing...

 Looking back at the verdant valley we just crossed.

 Early season willow catkins.

 Sorry dude.  Had to put you on my blog because you and your pet marmot (left) looked so perfectly posed!

 Zouey plays in the lake's outlet.

I did some more stitched photos of the lake.  Here's one - polarized to minimize reflections and highlight the lake's color.  Some distortion is inevitable, but at least you get the idea...  I loved the look of having some ice still on the lake, but with it you really can't see the unbelievable color.  Oh well, next time!

Zou wades the shallows.

Zou and I head up to another lake, named for a small land mass in the middle of it.  

My hiking book rates this next section as easy!  But Zou and I begged to differ...  First off, we were already tired from the first 3.2 miles and 2600' gain...  Secondly, this trail section seemed a little steep - and pretty narrow in parts with steep slope drop-off.

 Poor little Zou was so wiped, she decided to do a set-down in a fellow hiker's shadow whilst he and I were chatting!

 WEIRD flowers (Flora weirdus...?!).  I've never come across these in person, and I don't think I've ever even seen them on-line or in books, so...  I'm too lazy to try to look them up right now, so if anyone knows them, email me!

 A good look-out.

The whole view, looking back down in the direction of the trailhead.

 And back towards I. Lake.  Aren't the squiggly snow patterns cool?

 A different I. Lake.  Aren't the colors amazing? 

 Back down at the other I. Lake, Zouey finds un amigo muy simpatico!

 Sizing each other up.

 And then a momentary pause..

 Before the next game begins - walking on (frozen) water!

 Zouey asks "So, have you done this before?"  
Her new pal answers "Oh yeah, LOTS of times!"

 He says "See, it's easy!  Nothing to it!"

 Zouey says "Are you OK?"
"Um, yeah, I meant to do that!"

 And the fun resumes!


 Welcome to the Rowdy Dog Rodeo!

 I finally had to ask the dog's owners to call him off.  He was so sweet and a great playmate, but he was also monopolizing my pooch and wearing her out.  She loves pits but can't always keep up with the young ones for too long

I liked the design of these reflections and ice.

 Zou - on her own again.

 Pretty reflections in an upper pond.

 Just playing with light and reflections...

Another panorama.

 Dog in dark.

 Dog in light.

 More potential playmates.  But nothing much came of this meeting. 

 Looking back at the water flowing out of I. Lake.

 And looking the other direction, where the creek runs down the hill.

Zouey doing another easy traipse across the creek.

 This and the next photo are very similar, but I liked them both so put them both in.  So there!

 And now, the hike back down.  Zouey checks windspeed and temp during our descent.
Nah, she just smells something interesting!

 This was a really nice little wall sprinkler that I took advantage of on the way down, taking a shower to cool off.

 Zou goes back through the zillions of corn lilies.

 Wild violets.

Purple fringe (a phacelia type).

 Looking back on nice light.

 And we're down!  And back in the truck.  And stopped by the river so that Zou can get a good drink and cool-off.  Our hike took us up that middle section...

The drive home is pretty neato too.  Some sections are pretty attention-getting!

These mountains are named after their unusual color.

 This is a road you could easily die on if you drive drunk or fall asleep at the wheel!

 It doesn't look very forgiving, does it?

But it is spectacular!!

And actually, CDOT says "it's below average for accidents."  Maybe that's because people KNOW they'd better not screw around here!!  There are a surprisingly low number of accidents and deaths, and if that's not enough to calm you, semis drive the route year-round!!!!  Like other things in life, given sufficient care and attention, something obviously dangerous can be surprisingly safe.

It is a fantastic road.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, CarrieBearie, neat series of photos. Great colors.
